
Lap time simulation – Making a model in minutes using tyre force estimation

March 30, 2011

Please watch video attached. One of the most daunting challenges when you start using Lap time simulation is how do you get going? After all isn’t this supposed to be the exclusive preserve of big budget teams who have teams of simulation engineers that will take them months?

At ChassisSim have just released a tyre force estimation feature that will bust this myth wide open. Danny Nowlan the Director of ChassisSim Technologies shows you how to use it in this video.

It’s what we at ChassisSim refer to as the 10 minute challenge. While this won’t deliver the perfect vehicle model it will do something just as valuable. It will get you going with a model that will get you in the ball park.

But don’t take our word for it.

Register on the online simulation and try it yourself.

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